Our goal in every session is to start a conversation. To take those first steps in understanding and supporting family child care. Whether a keynote or workshop, we tell a story using data and real experiences, to inform, inspire and engage. We customize every presentation to meet the needs of the audience.
Signature Presentations:
Why “One Size Fits All” Solutions Don’t Work: Supporting the Spectrum© of Family Child Care ECE Career Pathways
Get to know the Family Child Care Spectrum© and its use in creating inclusive, equitable and diverse systems that support the ECE career pathway for family child care providers. Explore approaches to data collection that will improve recruitment, retention, and quality improvements in family child care through impactful, customized supports.
Coaching and Mentoring Family Child Care: Understanding This Unique Journey in ECE
This session will outline the stages of family child care as part of an Early Care and Education career. When coaches and mentors identify and support family child care professionals at the stage they are currently in, with strategies for moving to the next stage, they are better equipped to move quality forward. Participants will leave with strategies for building successful relationships and fresh approaches to the professional development and quality improvement opportunities they offer family child care professionals.